I like to read books on the computer. Unfortunately, my favorite software ICE Book Reader
does not always suits for these purposes. Some computers are not enough powerful to use this program.
So, I decided to create program with unassuming requirements for hardware and, at the same time,
it satisfies my demands. Generally speaking, I have written this program "for myself".
Then I decided to offer it to everybody and now you may estimate at its true worth.
Program features:
Automatically opens files from the most prevalent archives: ZIP, RAR, HA (external archiver is not required)
Automatically displays the comments from the file descript.ion in a file-selection dialog
Full automatic detection of the text encoding
Has low hardware requirements
It is possible to change the font
It is possible to change color scheme
Fast text navigation (double click on percent label)
Handy browsing by space key
Fast minimizing of the program by Enter key press ("Boss-key")
There is context menu for quick settings adjustment of font size and color scheme (right mouse button)
Current time displaying
Stores the text position within the last read file