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Text video

The program package for converting video files (*.avi) to special text format (*.txv). You can watch these files both in text (80x50) and graphic (320x200) mode. This video format is supported simple compressing and soundtrack.

Thanks for translation to: , Fulcrum

New in version 1.3

+ Added new video modes (2 ASCII, EGA and no video)
+ Added fast rewind and bright normalization in play mode
* speed-up many algorithms since translated on assembler.
* input and output are done through "drivers"
- new mechanism of the brightness increase.
- sound frequency bug fixed. (22050 Hz earlier played, not dependent from header)
- textmode palette bugs fixed (the developers of VGA BIOS - is a rare pervert! :)
+ addsnd now reads any PCM sound (including 16 bits and stereo)
TextVideo converter has no changes.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is practical use of this program?
A: No using.

Q: And what is it for?
A: Why not? Such things as ANSI-art, ASCII-art exist. Why shouldn't exist text video.

Q: When can I get new version of this program?
A: It is impossible in the near future. Unfortunately, sources of last version are lost, because my HDD was broken. Data recovery require $50-60, but I don't have such spare cash.

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