The program package for converting video files (*.avi) to special text format (*.txv).
You can watch these files both in text (80x50) and graphic (320x200) mode. This video
format is supported simple compressing and soundtrack.
Added new video modes (2 ASCII, EGA and no video) +
Added fast rewind and bright normalization in play mode *
speed-up many algorithms since translated on assembler. *
input and output are done through "drivers" -
new mechanism of the brightness increase. -
sound frequency bug fixed. (22050 Hz earlier played, not dependent from header) -
textmode palette bugs fixed (the developers of VGA BIOS - is a rare pervert! :) +
addsnd now reads any PCM sound (including 16 bits and stereo)
TextVideo converter has no changes.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: What is practical use of this program?
A: No using.
Q: And what is it for?
Why not? Such things as ANSI-art, ASCII-art exist. Why shouldn't exist text video.
Q: When can I get new version of this program?
It is impossible in the near future. Unfortunately, sources of last version are lost, because my HDD was broken. Data recovery require $50-60, but I don't have such spare cash.